Welcome to Alice’s Personal Food Recs! Come by and stay a while. A personal record of my favorite places to eat for myself and my friends ♥

Last updated: 06/03/2024

<aside> 🍓 Master List


To check out all my food recs you can visit the master databases directly here. This will allow you to filter by any parameters you desire.

Alice’s Personal Food Recs Master Database

Alice’s Personal Sweet Treats Recs Master Database


<aside> 🍓 By Location


All my food recs organized by location. (WIP)

🏕 | Arkansas

| NW Arkansas

🏝 | California

| LA

🏜 | New Mexico

<aside> 🍎 Resources


| Price Column Key

Check out this key for specific descriptions on what each price symbol means.

<aside> 🍒 Personal Records


Alice’s Food TODO

Places I haven’t been to yet but have been highly recommended by friends or the internet. My personal restaurant TODO list.